Originally Posted by JohnBraden
I've been seeing many reports on NHK Newsline about graduating students not being able to find work. Some reports say that nearly 50% of graduating classes cannot find a job or the job they do find is part-time and not sufficient to sustain oneself.
On the other hand, I see reports on how nearly 25% of the population is 65 years or older and the number will be growing in the future. Those people get paid pensions from the ever-decreasing number of active workers who pay the taxes.
I don't know this is going to lead.... If the native people cannot find jobs, how can the influx of foreigners help?
Ahh that's interesting. I'd guess that's because the economy sucks at the moment so there's not that 'any job for everyone' attitude any more.
I guess that works pretty strongly against immigration.
Yeah that's exactly the case here in the UK with the pension and dependency issue. I had to learn about it in my old Geography lessons.