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(#60 (permalink))
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Umihito (Offline)
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Location: Wales, UK
01-07-2011, 09:50 PM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
I did have a job yes, for a year and a half~ I worked at McDonalds as a customer care person... blowing up balloons, talking to kids, taking food out to the cars. It was pretty lame, but it paid £6 and hour (nearly $10) which paid for my first year of Uni.

Since then I've quit to concentrate on my second year and have more time for other things. I've also decided to get a student loan this year and I'm using a small part of that plus some inheritence to go to Japan!

I'm liking Uni at the moment, I'm doing something that I love (Computer Animation) and I've learnt a lot so far.

Picking yourself up from dissapointing grades is hard - but Uni is a worthwhile experience so I recommend trying your hardest to do so.
£6 an hour is pretty good for McDonalds! I know my friend (granted she's under 18) that only gets paid like... £4 an hour! All I do in my current job is stock shelves and make sure the products face front, it's the most boring job I could've got.

Good to hear, what does computer animation include? If I had to take a guess, I'd say its something like working with 3D models and editing together tones of frames? XD It looks great and I couldn't even imagine how long it takes to create some of the things I've seen.

Thanks for that.
I'll try the best I can, even if I have to take a year out or retake a year, I'll try to get into university somehow! XD
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