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steel (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 93
Join Date: Jan 2011
01-08-2011, 02:18 AM

Originally Posted by dgeclipsed49 View Post
I am looking for anyone who does not like or approve of the killing of Dolphins at dolphin cove in Taijii. They have started the killing again today. As well as the capture and captivity of others in overcrowded, dirty tanks. Anyone interested in help stop this please respond.
Dolphins are generally cute and considered intelligent - and killed as 'pests' by fishermen or trapped for sale to aquariums. Similarly, monkeys are also considered intelligent - sometimes cute - and like the cute but stupid deer, ugly but intelligent wild boar, and sometimes cute but vicious bear, they are often legally shot and killed as they are considered 'pests' by most Japanese farmers.

I've also been fortunate enough to have sampled delicious venison and wild boar (inoshishi) as well as pheasant (kiji -- beautiful but the most stupid creature of the lot). Nom nom nom. I have no desire to sample monkeys or dolphins. I am struggling with myself whether it's eating stupid animals that is okay or ugly ones as well. I mean, the wild boar, while ugly was considered pretty intelligent. And, I'd never ever eat my dog although he is both dumb and cute as Hell.

While I struggle with my thought and food crimes, I regret to inform you that I cannot be much help. I am also worried that being so stupid myself, someone might kill and eat me....
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