Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
I would question how the cia defines ethnicity but you're right I can't argue with it.
But even then 98.5% Japanese ethnicity does not make Japan homogenous if we're talking physical appearance or culture. I've already made the point about the Okinawans and people in Hokkaido but there are regional cultural differences also.
It sounds like the issue we're having is a language one but considering the opposite of the word pure is impure which implies a racial definition. I would strongly suggest that you stop using the word pure to describe someone who has 100% Japanese geneology.
The fact is there is as much diversity in physical appearance amongst Japanese people as there is throughout East Asia. Some Japanese are as dark as Thai or Vietnamese people and some are as light skinned as Han Chinese or Koreans. (The same can be said for Vietnamese Thais Koreans and Han Chinese respectively)
Yes I guess you're right with the regional differences in culture so I can see where you're coming from when you talk about Japan being a non-homogeneous society. It's something that could probably never be fully agreed on, but seems as all these different sub-groups are basically from the same country and are similar in appearance, I would personally group them as being ethnic Japanese in terms of the homogeneality issue.
I guess my idea of a multi-ethnic society in Japan is anyone from anywhere other than the present day Japanese islands and her people/sub-cultures. But I definitely see why you see it your way.
And I just realised what you meant about me using 'pure Japanese.' I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you or anyone.