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(#7 (permalink))
cupofwater (Offline)
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Jet - 01-08-2011, 05:35 AM

Originally Posted by steel View Post
As MMM indicated, one does NOT need a teaching certificate to teach English in Japan especially if all you are hoping to do is get picked up by one of the McEikaiwa chain schools.

And, on top of that, if one were looking to get a TEFL certificate or equivalent, I think it would be more efficient and cost-effective to do it in your home country.

If you have a college degree with a Japanese major, why not apply for a position on the JET Programme? Since you have Japanese-language ability, instead of the usual ALT (Assistant Language Teacher) positions, you might consider trying out for CIR (Coordinator for International Relations).

hi steel,

yeah I know the certificate is not really needed, I was just saying if I come across a program that is exceptionally appealing I would do it. Before I go to japan of course.

I have looked into the CIR position before, but I decided it sounded too tedious in the end for someone like me to enjoy. If I'm going to be forced to translate and organize something, i'd rather it be lessons for young people I'll actually enjoy showing it to. So should I apply for the JET program, it will definately be for the ALT program.
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