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(#42 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Join Date: Jun 2009
01-08-2011, 05:58 AM

"Documented?"That's Bunk too. Most groups who "Document" so called "American war crimes" hate the US and lie through their teeth just to make "claims" about the US. We didn't kill tens of thousands of "innocent Iraqi's" at check points or anywhere else. We killed enemy combatants who engaged us in combat. Not our fault they fired on us hideing behind women and childern.

That's what they did, attacked us from mosques, schools, hospitals, orphanages...That isn't going to stop us shooting back, nor should it. If you choose to fight where children and women are seeking shelter, those deaths are on your head.

Plus, the vast majority of the deaths were done by tribal groups and relgious factions, on each other.

Vietnam was a hell hole where you couldn't figure who was who, we made some errors yes. Mai lai being the biggest one of note. Yet Vietnam was Frances baby, we got involved because we where thier ally..wich never seems to do us any good.

I think Vietnam as a whole was poorly fought tactically speaking, but that's just me.
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