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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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01-08-2011, 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by Columbine View Post
If you'd read any of that thread properly, you'd have known that The Cove documentary is a poor way to get a view of what goes on at this kind of dolphin hunt. A lot of the 'barbarianism' is hyped up by the film crew and director and it's an incredibly biased production. I mean, it's still awful if you are a dolphin /really like dolphins, but not very much worse than what happens to the average cow world-wide.
The Cove was a bit too emotional for my liking too.. but I felt that overall their message was sound.

Regarding your cow statement.. why does one have to defend either all animals or no animals? I mean I'm sure philosophically they're against all animal cruelty. But just because they've decided to make a stand for a particular animal doesn't make them hypocrites. It just means their resources are limited and they like dolphins the best.
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