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01-08-2011, 11:36 PM

Originally Posted by spoonybard View Post
Explain. You misunderstood me, because you reiterated everything I said.

The reason why I say they are not really viewed as idols is because the VROCK scene is actually not that big in Japan, and I'm thinking in terms of the general public. Also, I wrote "aren't really considered idols", not "they are NOT idols". They are only idols to their fans, and again, the VROCK scene isn't as big in Japan as some people think it is(I used to think this way too, until the president of Cure Media USA said that it's not really big there, and I'm sure he knows what he's talking about).

Also, Gackt is JPopish, and apparently, he is(or was? I don't know, I don't pay attention to Gackt)getting married. Miyavi was seeing somebody, and when he got her pregnant and married her, everybody reacted.... in a very interesting manner. And he was signed on to PSC!! So as I said, I'm sure that VROCK band members, and not just them but anybody and everybody else will do whatever the hell they want in the end.You can think wrongly about me and my opinion and why I have them, I don't really care, but please read carefully before you start putting words in my mouth and thoughts in my head that were never there just because of what you've seen elsewhere, I'm not whatever you think I am.
You can't just say that VK artists "aren't really idols", just because the VK scene is significantly smaller than jpop. That's just ridiculous. That's like saying that a cat isn't ACTUALLY a cat, because tigers and lions are bigger animals of the same kind.
Of course they're only idols to their fans..? Doh? All artists have their own fan base. How is that statement even relevant? You're just stating the obvious. Of course Miyavi (as an example) is my idol, if I'm a fan of his and I really admire him. I highly doubt that any sane person would consider anyone an 'idol' if they didn't feel some sort of admiration towards them - call it fandom or w/e.

If you don't even follow Gackt - why use him as an example? Not really air-tight, is it?
Also.. Miyavi kept it secret - for a reason. Miyavi's most likely NOT stupid and therefore he's not gonna run around bragging about every female whose legs he spread recently. Miyavi was smart enough to announce it all at once.. Kinda like repeatedly punching his fans in the face with info. "I'm gonna take out all my piercings and grow up" + "I'm dating melody. and she's pregnant btw!" + "Oh and btw, we got married too!".. That way there's isn't much to do about it. If he just came out 'Oh... I'm kinda seeing this girl' then I think many obsessive fans would flip. But by doing it the way he did, there was no turning back.

Why would I think ANYTHING about you? I don't even know you. And stop pulling back just because you can't take the heat. Seriously.. I never put anything in your mouth. I'm simply replying to your entries in the discussion. If you're not good with criticism or any form of feedback in general - simply don't post.

Originally Posted by Qayin View Post
It remind me of when Hide (X) died in 1998, 4 girls commited suicide and 2 succeed. I remember that it's the beginning of the end for VK scene (temporarily). After that Luna Sea disband, Glay and L'arc became less visual, until 4 or 5 years ago when Alice Nine, Nightmare, Gazette or whatever Oshare band brought more attention to the genre. After this X and Luna Sea made their come back. Bravo!
Since when did GazettE and Nightmare become Oshare? O_O

Originally Posted by Jaydelart View Post
Though, I think your use of the word 'enslaved' is a little harsh. These people made their decision to be subject to such scrutiny when they signed the contract. It seems like a very hard life, but I'm sure it doesn't go entirely without its pleasurable fruits -- especially if they genuinely love what they're doing.
Not really.. Many of both jpop/kpop and Vk artists enter their scenes at a very young age. They're SO easy to manipulate because their biggest dream in life is to make music and perform. Labels see these young aspiring talents and sign them for YEARS pumping them for all they got.. Youngsters with dreams are easy to screw over, because all they wanna do is make music and play it.

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