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(#46 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
Posts: 1,126
Join Date: Jun 2009
01-09-2011, 05:00 AM

They kicked the UN inspectors out, that was all we needed to legally go in and finish the job. We weren't agressors, we were carrying out international law via the armistace treaty Iraq signed in 91.

Wikileaks doesn't prove anything other than this. American troops are highly trained professionals who get the job done. I'm not going to apologize for them doing what they were told to do and doing it well. Were there cases of mistreatment, yes, there were, and those responsible were punished. However, overall the American armed forces behaved very honorably, considering how devious and treacherous the enemy was.

The US bends over backwards to try and prevent civilan losses now, and the enemy knows it, so they deliberately try to intiate contact that results in dead civilans. Believe me, if the US really wanted to, Iraq and Afaganistan would be nothing but glass parking all this talk about how horrible the US is, is just talk.
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