Originally Posted by GoNative
Attempt all you like to make out that Japan's policies on immigration are not that disimilar to the UK or Australia but you are wrong. There is a world of difference. I actually don't understand what point you are trying to make. I believe this country could benefit greatly from having a structured immigration intake similar to what the UK and Australia has. I also think it would be good if it took on some of the humanitarian responsibility that most developed nations have in taking in a few refugees. I believe the reluctance of the government here to implement such policies is hampered by the exnophobia found in the general populace (it's not good for votes). Xenphobia that I believe was fostered by the previous right wing government that ruled this country for what seemed like an eternity. There was a lot of hope that some changes might occur when a new government was finally elected but not much seems to have occurred thus far...
The point I'm trying to make is that these policies in themselves do not them xenophobic.
I'm familiar with some of the things Japanese ministers in the past have said.. but to be honest I've seen about the same sort of xenophobic shit said from former Australian Prime minister regarding the plight of Australian aboriginals and his comments regarding Islam as well as other Australian MPs.
Xenophobia found in the general populace? Not to me. I've lived in Japan and found that this is just not true. There is a level of ignorance regarding the outside world that I found fairly common... but it's hardly xenophobic and I would go as far as saying that Japan is as xenophobic a society as Australia or New Zealand and the UK.