Addressing the usual pro-slaughter trolls. -
01-10-2011, 04:54 AM
Actually this is not true. The Japanese whaling industries of the 30s and 40s were notoriously voracious and wasteful. Their only interest was for the whale oil which they sold, mostly to Unilever, to buy military weapons and supplies, mainly from the Nazis, to use in their Imperial attempt to dominate China. They had not even resources to store the meat.
Post-WWII they remained equally wasteful but the main customer had changed, it became the USA who had financed the rebuilding of the whaling fleet in order that the USA benefited from the supply of whale oil. The Japanese people were needlessly fed the shit meat, allowing the industry to take a small backhander off the deal. The supply of Whale Oil became a considerable economic driver for Post-War Japan.
I have to say what the usual pro-slaughter trolls are throwing around here is not "logic" but tortuous arguments based on self-interest and denial about the implications of their own actions.
If any other slaughter industry was to slaughter their prey in the manner in which the Taiji slaughtermen as doing ... in any other developed nation ... they would be shut down over night by governmental animal welfare departments.
It is an utterly primitive and barbaric slaughter committed in manner that only utterly primitive societies would do ... but with 20th Century tools. There is no moral or ethical defence of it. The so-called environment science of it (resource management etc) is shit. It does not exist.
Japan has a serious problem with its inability to manage its fishing industries and stock across the board. It also has cultural problems of, a) going too extremes which it is unable to stop from within, and b) producing and swallowing ridiculously superficial and dishonest group think (propaganda) which anyone outside of its bubble can see through immediately.
The pro-slaughter trolls depend on a few child-like false arguments mostly levering nationalist or racist sentiments which just do not exist in reality. The anti-slaughter lobby is international, cross-cultural, internal and external to Japan.
The drive slaughters will be condemned in the future just as the buffalo hunts by white settlers in the USA are now.