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(#40 (permalink))
Informed (Offline)
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01-10-2011, 05:23 AM

Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery View Post
This movie is stupid and will never reach the right people. The movie is obviously a dramatization geared towards a western audience, and many Japanese people will probably never see the video, nor would they really care
My experience, based on reality rather than comic books, is that when Japanese people see The Cove they are deeply shocked, moved and become instantly against it. It does not represent them nor their vision of what Japan is.

That is why the bureaucracies that are challenged by it are doing everything in their power to stop it being seen and to create group think disarming it.

As for the "joke nationalists" who rallied against it, they are just ridiculous attention whores attempting to cream off their little bit of media from the hype surrounding it by attacking people's innocent mothers at their homes.

What sort of assholes would attack someone else mother with mobs and loudspeakers out their homes?
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