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masaegu (Offline)
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01-10-2011, 03:35 PM

Originally Posted by Maxful View Post
1. お茶をたてる (make green tea) - I would like to know if I can also say "お茶をいれる" just like "コーヒーをいれる"
You can but the meaning will change as well.
たてる = the thick and bitter powdered green tea used at the tea ceremony
入れる = regular leaf tea used on a daily basis

2. 煮る (cook, boil) - Is the usage something like "to boil water", "to cook rice/fish, etc.
No, but it's a good question because we never 煮る rice or water.
The only thing you can 煮る are soup dishes and stews.

3. 付ける as "to mark" - Is possible to omit 印 from the following sentences?

mark the spot

mark highlights of a document
No, it isn't.

4. 出る as "participate, attend" - I would like to know when I say "サッカの試合に出る/参加する" how does someone know if I am referring to "I will attend (to watch) the soccer match" or "I will participate (be playing) in the soccer match?
サッカ > サッカー

It can only mean "will play".

5. 組み立てる (assemble) - I find that this verb is slightly similiar with "まとめる", or at least it sounds similiar. But again, I could be wrong.
I see no similarity, really.

組み立てる = to assemble, to build
まとめる = to collect, to gather together in one place

6. 載せる (place on, load onto) - This is the verb that confused me the most for today. When I first looked at it, the first thing that came to my mind is that if it means "To place something on the table" and "To load something onto the truck"?
This is an important verb. You have two of the three meanings covered.

The third meaning is to "to publish an article or to run an ad in a printed medium".

Last edited by masaegu : 01-10-2011 at 04:03 PM.
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