Originally Posted by Suki
That's a pretty hardcore procedure. I'm glad you pulled through.
Weren't you given the option to get a porcine valve replacement? Sometimes it ain't easy to find the right donor and I hear you can go with a pig's heart valve for 15 years before it requires replacement, which is pretty great.
What does an open heart surgery feel like? It's okay if you'd rather not tell, I understand it can be too much of a touchy experience to share with complete strangers on the Internet, but if you're ok with it I'd really like to know, just out of curiosity.
Not at all
We were (my parents) given the option and it was recommended that we take the donor valve. Apperently they have a lower risk of infection, has the best results, can last a long time, and requires far less monitoring (less trips to the specialists).
For the donor valve its about 10% of patients after 10 years need the valve replaced, and 20% after 15 years
Also I dont need to take any medication for it unlike the other options except for the first 6 months after the surgery.
The surgery took about 8 hours from what I was told.
Intensive care wasnt so bad as I was pretty well out of it for the most part, and after a couple of days ( I think....there was no windows and the clock was too far away for me to have any concept of time.) I was taken to the ward.
I had to do breathing exercises, and walk around as much as I could (which was damn hard actually after being in bed for a few days).
Coughing was by far the most painful thing I went through (lol) whilst in there, coughing after that kind of procedure is horrible and painful as hell.
I was out in under a week
But I couldn't really do to much for about a month after as I just had no energy and was pretty sore.