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Suki (Offline)
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01-10-2011, 11:19 PM

HW: The way you talk about it makes it sound like it was a fairly easy surgery to recover from, when it's like the exact opposite. And you sound all optimistic about the whole thing, truly admirable.

So, other than seeing your cardiologist every other year, do you lead a normal life? Like, are you allowed to work out, go jogging, than kinda stuff?

Originally Posted by HolyWars
For the donor valve its about 10% of patients after 10 years need the valve replaced, and 20% after 15 years
What about the other 70%? Can it last a lifetime?

Also, how hard was it to find a donor who was a match for you?

Originally Posted by HolyWars
Coughing was by far the most painful thing I went through (lol) whilst in there, coughing after that kind of procedure is horrible and painful as hell.
Really, like worse than the pain from the wound before it healed entirely?

Hey I'm fan #1 of scars, you totally sound like my kinda guy.

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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