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RealJames (Offline)
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01-11-2011, 05:07 AM

I think I chose my words very badly in the first list I made.
I took a little more heat than I expected for it but in hindsight:

I'm not sure what your experience has been in Japan, but I have met a lot of foreigners here that actually do fit the bill of a "hater", and I think that people like Masaegu come across these foreigners a lot. It's easy to be mistaken for one of them, hell even my girlfriend assumed I thought Japanese men were not kind because I said they weren't "gentlemen" when all I meant was that's not a part of this culture, (and that the men here are just as kind to their women, if sometimes in different ways).
I'll reply to your haters post to make my point more clear.

In this thread, I admit I should have chosen my words more carefully.

Side-note: There's a post somewhere about what's bad in Japan, there's a good place to go point out Japan's shortcoming's, which it certainly has many of (just as all countries and cultures do). I might go mention a few things about Japan's sex-trade and workplace discrimination (based on very factual, non-anecdotal, information). But I think I'd be better writing a "what's good about Japan" post to help people get out of the mindset that everything is good here lol.

マンツーマン 英会話 神戸 三宮 リアライズ -James- This is my life and why I know things about Japan.
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