01-11-2011, 02:38 PM
Hi Salvanas.
I just wanted to say that it's extremely admirable for you to want to take responsibility like this and step up to the plate. What's done is done, and you can't change that, so I think people's criticisms about contraception is uncalled for - what matters is, like you said, moving forward and onward with things. There are so many men (and women) who would neglect their responsibilities or abandon the child, the fact you are willing to do right by your girlfriend and her child shows (to me) great bravery and maturity.
It's a very difficult situation you're in. There are many adults who struggle to raise children, so to do so in the first year of university certainly has my sympathy and support, because it will be a very trying time for you. I just hope that you don't give up on your education, or your girlfriend gives up on hers! You'll need that education to help you in life, and make raising a child so much easier, and to leave education now would be such a shame.
I do agree with Dogsbody on her stance about your family though. If your family love you then they should support you no matter what, so perhaps their ultimatum was merely said in stress or worry? It'll be best - as said - to perhaps talk with them and try to work out your options and position, perhaps to even bring your girlfriend into the dialogue and work out what your plans are between the two of you and your future with the child. It's a very difficult path ahead of you, but you have to do what's right for you and the child. No one knows your situation or self better than you do, and only you can say for sure what will work, and whatever happens you have to live with your choices, so make sure you make choices that feel right for you.
Ah, I'm not a father, and my advice probably seems a little cliche or vague, but I do wish you the best for your future, and I hope that it all turns out for the best in the long run.