Originally Posted by MissMisa
Personally I think it's pretty awful your girlfriend is forcing you to keep a child you had no intention of keeping. (Old people will tell you OMG IF YOU HAVE SEX YOU GOTTA HAVE BABIES ETC but yeah.) If someone forced me to have a child, I'd be really upset/pissed off. Which I'm sure in some ways you are. She's 19, she sounds pretty stupid for wanting to keep it at that age when you are at University. (Seems like a selfish thing to do with morals or something, I don't know.) That is probably going to be controversial and judgemental but that was my initial reaction for you.
However whatever you feel about your girlfriend as this current time, nothing is the childs fault. The child has done nothing wrong so I'm still very glad that you are taking responsbility because I know it's extremely easy to walk away in these situations. I admire you for that, I couldn't do it.
I guess all you can do is express to your parents it wasn't your choice and it wasn't your ideal situation, but you have to take responsibility for a child that now currently exists.
I would only go through with a pregnancy if both parties are consenting. I guess some people have moral things about abortion, so they can't terminate, I personally don't. But that's another topic.
Also, I'm really sorry to hear about this. You are an awesome person and I know you'll do well whatever happens - I do hope your family comes round. I know you'll keep a level head and you'll be fine.
Where abortion is concerned much depends how far on the baby is.
Have you seen those amazing images of a baby in the womb?
at least it is not against the law but many anti-abortionists would be against it.
Its for this couple to have a proper discussion surely. After all this must be so common-- nothing new in conceiving a baby is there.
I used to see students looking for someone to adopt their baby but then others telling them they wil lnot get over it.
There are plenty of couples wanting a baby-- so maybe adoption is one way to go-- but nothing is straightforward.
we do not know either the mother or the father. So easy for us to give our opinions so easy to say the man shouldn't have to be there for the child-- a very common option by the way-- so damned easy when you are not the one carrying the child in your body.
Bringing a child into this world Is a responsibility--nobody will tell me differently. If you bring it into this world then you should be responsible for it not just leave the mother in the lurch.