01-12-2011, 12:43 AM
Interac is not such a bad place to work. I haven't worked for them myself, but one of my fellow teachers has. He was provided with a company car during his term, and when he renewed his contract they actually transferred ownership of the car to him as a bonus.
Keep your resume simple, and limit it to one page. A photograph is required in nearly every case. If the company you are applying to requires a cover letter or the commonly asked for "Why I want to Live and Work in Japan" essay, make sure these are written carefully and contain no mistakes.
Many companies will request a resume in text format, which does not have the spell-check and grammar-check features of a Word resume.
In you resume photo (which should be shoulders-up) make sure you are wearing a conservative suit and tie, and that you are very neatly groomed.
Hiring season for the school year in starting in April has commenced, so you had better hurry.
Good luck,
PM me if you have more detailed questions,