Originally Posted by Nyororin
I also love that people are viewed as living things. It is kind of hard to explain exactly what is meant by this, but... A good example is related to nudity. Everyone is human, everyone has a body, all of that is natural... So it`s not taboo. A lot of people cite this as openness in terms of sexuality, but I think it is something that comes at least a step before that. Humans have emotions, regardless of their gender, age, etc... It`s natural. This is something that doesn`t tend to jump out at you until you are accustomed to it and come face to face with the opposite. (ie. Boys don`t cry! You should stop him before he ends up gay from acting like a little girl! OMG your little girl has seen her dad naked?!?! What is WRONG with you sickos?!? etc)
Yeah there's a pretty big undertone in the society which contrasts a lot with western cultures but it's hard to pick out most the time.
When my mother and sister visited they went to an onsen with my girlfriend, at first they were so uncomfortable with the idea but the second they got there it felt very natural and right.
It's confusing at times why some of the things which most westerners consider taboo are in fact taboo.
Originally Posted by GoNative
Of course the best thing about Japan without any doubt at all is heated toilet seats! On a cold winters day is there anything better than warming your behind on a heated toilet seat? 
YES!!! How could I have forgotten that when I wrote the original list!
(*goes back to add it right after this post*)
Originally Posted by steven
Real James, not to crap on the sentiment of your thread, but I've had horrible experiences in Japan with the exact opposites on everything on your list. I've met some truly horrible people along the way. It makes me appreciate the majority of people who are great even more though-- it's funny how those shitty things tend to happen when I start to take peoples' kindness for granted.
Yeah pretty much all good things have their exceptions, not all the toilet seats can be heated.
But like you said, the majority are so kind it's so nice!