Thread: Re Abortions
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01-12-2011, 06:54 AM

Originally Posted by RobinMask View Post
It's a topic I don't usually like to comment on, because it's so sensitive to people and people are so passionate about it, it can potentially lead to a lot of criticism and arguments. . .

That said, I somewhat believe in abortion. I personally believe every and any life is sacred, that everyone has a right to live, and that if someone doesn't want a child that someone else will, and it's better to give an unwanted child to a loving home than to - in my eyes - murder it. I think women who get abortions every so often, using it as a form of contraception, are rather cruel and irresponsible.

However there are times when I think it's justified. If the child is likely to born extremely ill - and I mean extremely, not just for any illness - or if the mother's life is at risk, then perhaps a termination is best. I also think in cases of rape that it's justified, because the mother shouldn't be forced to endure birthing her rapists baby should she not be mentally/emotionally able to.

Ultimately it's the woman's choice - I won't condemn any woman who after thought and consideration thinks it's for the best, but I do dislike the idea and would never personally do it. If for whatever reason I didn't want a child I'd give it to someone who did. There's plenty of childless couples out there desperate for a child that I would otherwise be killing, and it seems selfish and self-centred to deny a child and a family that life just for my own selfish needs, just because its quick and easier.

I know many people will hate me for saying that, so please forgive me, but it's just my own feelings.
This post by RobinMask completely sums up my views on abortion.
I support it in the most dire of cases. It would be selfish of me to place some sort of judgment on those who have legitimate reasons to do so.

When it comes down to me as an individual, however, the very idea of termination is something I would never place as an option outside the threats a pregnancy may have to the mother's life.

I'd like to say I'm taking a political or spiritual stance on the situation, but realistically speaking, My characteristics -as an individual- wouldn't allow me to live my life wondering of what that child could have been. It would completely break my heart, I'm sure.

All in all, it's not like I have much say in the situation as a man, but you can believe I'd fight for it if I ever found myself in the situation.
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