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princessmarisa (Offline)
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01-12-2011, 11:58 AM

Fiance & Marriage Visas: A Couple's Guide to U.S. Immigration

explains it all quite well under the 2009 system, including a chart of figures at the end. It won't be exactly the same but at least an idea

You need 125% of the poverty guideline if I understand this correctly, so if there are only 2 of you in the house it is an income between $18,212 and $22,760 depending what state you live in. I imagine you also need a few hundred $ to file all the paperwork, possibly a couple thousand for all the legal costs involved with it.

I am not a US citizen, nor have I been through this, this is just what I found on the above website , so I don't know if I got it right so don't do anything rash just on this advice

Fighting ignorance and slaying a few narutards whilst I am at it.
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