Thread: Re Abortions
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princessmarisa (Offline)
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01-12-2011, 12:11 PM

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
for goodness sake Have you looked at those videos of scans of babies in the womb>

It is a living creature-- Not just some damned unwanted piece of meat to be discarded so easily.
Don't be so influenced by things you see on the T.V that make you feel sad and wobbly inside.
All cells are living, a tumour growing might look quite pretty and amazing under the ultrasound or microscope.
If your next line is that this is more than that it will become a person, then as Ronin4hire said everytime sperm gets wasted or a girl has a period the potential for life is aborted and you don't see anyone (Other than maybe some extreme religious sects) getting up in arms about this.

No one said it was an easy choice to discard it, just that is is a choice the mother who has to carry and grow the foetus has, and no one should want to take this choice from her or judge her for making it.

Fighting ignorance and slaying a few narutards whilst I am at it.
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