Originally Posted by RobinMask
You asked people's opinions on abortion. Please don't get so het up when you don't agree! The issue of what is life is a good one, and I'm very interested in the other posters' views of what constitutes life, but - please - your opinion isn't the only one. You do sound very cruel and closed-minded at times.
I think we've all seen the scans of babies in the womb, and I would argue that abortion at 22/24 weeks is perhaps unethical, because the babies do sometimes survive at that stage of development, which does give evidence that - if they can survive on their own - that they are in fact 'alive'. I do wonder when a baby is 'alive' though - two hours, five weeks, seven months? I do know that the Catholic church once gave a set amount of days for when a baby had a 'soul' or was 'alive', and up until a certain point in pregnancy didn't consider the child as alive (whether they still do, I don't know), which does go to show even in religion it isn't black and white, there is always debate.
This is really interesting I did not know that about Catholicism ,I always thought they counted the point of conception as the start of life, and anything preventing this is murder hence why until very recently Catholic's opposed condoms so heavily.
Dogsbody, It is always difficult to debate on peoples ethics I feel, but we do need to keep clear of overly emotive statements/shock tactics such as scans, and also keep our own personal experiences separate from what our morals/logic lead us to.