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Suki (Offline)
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01-12-2011, 04:06 PM

Originally Posted by HolyWars View Post
Why Thank You! I think that I built it up so much leading into it, it just seemed easier than I was expecting.
I remember the time before last when I was about 6, I was in hospital for close to a month, so to get out in 6 or so days was fantastic, particularly when it was a bigger procedure! It just shows how far the technology/methods used have come.
It's awsome that it turned out to be a better experience than you'd imagined. It was that way for me when I went to have my wisdom teeth removed. I was very worried about it hurting a hell lot more than it actually did, cause I did not feel anything resembling pain, just slightly discomfort. However, you did have major reasons to be worried about your operation and it's very admirable that you managed to deal with it so well.

Now, changing the topic a bit, has anyone had a rhinoplasty? Or any other type of operation done on the nose?

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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