ok ok, yeah i get it now. Hmm when i first saw the pic of the new Dante i thought it was a total mess up because not many peeps would be able to identify it, and yeha that is just as bad as Sonic turning into some oddly different character just to appeal to the pop-culture

not really a swell idea. But on the other side of things, yeah, it is all about the way the game play is and not about the characters, butttttt the character of a game IS the main part of the game because thats how peeps know what they are seeing when they want to buy the game. So basically, Dante is the main symbol of the game, and for them to make him look so different throws others off. When i saw the trailer for the game, and i saw this guy up there saying "the name's Dante" and I was just thinking imagine if i just saw the commercial of this and i didn't know that it was the trailer for the new game?? and how confused others would be.