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(#42 (permalink))
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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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01-12-2011, 10:15 PM

Originally Posted by Suki View Post
Look at you deviating from your original statement.

You said "A man agrees to have a baby with a woman the moment he puts his thing inside her", which means that -according to you- no man who isn't ready to be a father should ever have sex, until he feels he is ready and can deal with the responsabilities that may come with it.

This logic is bullshit, in my opinion. The only purpose of sex isn't to make babies, and you know that.

So what you are saying isn't much different from saying it's okay for people to die when doing extreme sports, such as mountain-climbing, because they know what the risks are before doing it, so they knew what was coming to them, and so it's fair. See my point?
People won't give up sex because of that, and yeah, it is very stupid to say people shouldn't have sex unless they're ready to become a parent. Because there's more to sex than breeding, and you seem to be old enough to have realized that by now.
I didn't deviate at all. A man engaging in sex should know the potential consequences if the woman gets pregnant. Would you not agree to that?

Biologically the purpose of sex is procreation. Why do you think it feels so good? Our species wants to continue to grow. That's fundamental biology. Individually we may not want a baby, but we are the only species that can procreate before we have the tools to actually take care of a baby.

Yes, people that engage in extreme sports engage in very risky behavior. This is a great example. If a family man is killed pumping gas into his tank by a random gunman, it is considered a tragedy. However if a family man dies because his chute didn't open base jumping off the Tower of Pisa, it is not tragic in the same way, and many would call him irresponsible.

Last edited by MMM : 01-12-2011 at 11:17 PM.
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