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(#54 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
01-12-2011, 11:36 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
But your last point is a good one. Men should understand that just because a woman might say she would get an abortion or put the baby up for adoption (absolving the man of any legal financial responsibilities) doesn't mean she won't change her mind if she actually does get pregnant.
That's actually a very good point. I have a family member who swore she would have an abortion should it ever happen, and her boyfriend and his mother were told this and supported her decision to do so, it was pretty much a given that an abortion would take place if - God forbid - they were caught out. Then a few months later she fell pregnant. The child is five now, a beautiful kid too, but needless to say the father was less than impressed and there's been a lot of hassle between the two since. He wasn't ready for a child and I know he resents her for 'having gone back on her word'.

I think pregnancy is a tough issue. No woman can say for 100% certainty that she will follow a certain course of action, because I think once you know you have a child inside you then it's no longer a hypothetical abstract but a reality. Suddenly its not a thing, but a potential life. So I think a lot of mothers change their minds for or against abortion, because suddenly the issue becomes something different. If it's the wrong time to have a baby they might have an abortion even if they said they wouldn't, or if they feel attached to the 'child' they might keep it even if they said they wouldn't.

So it's something for men to think about - assuming that the woman will follow one course of action isn't always going to hold true in the long run. . .
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