Originally Posted by Sitron
Also what does Japanese people think about paying for sexual entertainment/services (prostitution, strip clubs etc) - do they see it as here in Norway, something only for desperate old men that can't get a woman?
The Japanese sex industry is massive. There's a service which caters to every interest/fetish possible, and then some. I won't go into the details but check out a site like fuzoku.jp to get an idea of what's out there.
As for public perception, it's much more accepted than it is in western countries. For example, when I visited a famous Yukaku in Osaka a few years ago, I was surprised to see men in their work uniforms strolling the streets. I even witnessed an employee coming out from an establishment as he thanked his boss for treating him. (What the hell, I work my ass off and I get a Starbucks gift certificate!)
With that being said, most of these establishments are off limit to foreigners. Unless you see a sign which specifically says, "Foreigners welcome", I'd go with the assumption that you aren't welcome.