01-13-2011, 02:53 AM
Well. I'm not a father but I basically have a dad that would samurai slice anything for me. My dad was kicked out of his own house for having a kid so young and it's not like the said kid was you know... welcome at first. But as time went one, the family adapted to the new edition to the family. I haven't had kids but I've had to help take care of new borns and all. It's not easy at all. Raising a kid is probably the most stressing thing you'll do because the results of that won't even show probably until they're their in their senior year of high school or out of high school. Sure, people can walk away from a child and complain about being forced to be a part of its life but when it comes right down to it... I mean... it's just. The best. You know? I'm speaking as a child with both parents involved in my life. It just makes me real happy. My parents have talked to me about things and stuff and they've told me how the world kid of stops when you have a kid. It takes too much time and energy that they lost their chances in a lot of things they wanted to do in life. But now that I'm older, they have their chance to finish what they started back then. So, as far as that, I guess what I'm trying to say is that don't see having a kid as the end of the world but more of like something that's delaying you from what you want. Raising a kid will seriously help a person grow.
*plooka plooka*

Rin no talk. 私の一番な色は何ですか。「Day--」 黒沼爽子と翔太くん。いつでも/もじもじ-- 30