Originally Posted by MMM
RealJames, I usually think you are pretty on-the-money, and at least you roll with punches, but I think you are off here.
You are telling me that what has been the national belief system of Japan for over 1000 years, the only domestic belief system followed in the country, would be generally accepted as "underdeveloped"?
Non-concrete does not mean the same thing as "underdeveloped". They are two completely different ideas in terms of meaning as well as level of negativity.
Would a teacher use the word "underdeveloped" to describe a student to her parent?
As usual, I think we are in agreement with each other.
Like I said "I personally think most religions are overdeveloped and that Shintoism is just right". So no, I wouldn't call Shintoism underdeveloped, but I wouldn't be surprised if anyone here perceived it that way.
I mean to say that I can understand how some people might see Shintoism to be underdeveloped relative to other mainstream religions.
On a slight side note:
I often have conversations about religion with people here and love how blunt and honest they are about their feelings of different religions because the taboo of talking about them isn't there. It's actually quite fun.