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JF Ossan
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01-13-2011, 06:55 AM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
You misunderstood my analogy MMM. She didn't necesseraly poke holes in the condom. She just changed her mind. I thought I made that clear when I used the word "or" in

(or they deceived you and planned it all along).
I did understand your analogy, Ronin. I just addressed them in a different order.

It's your car, right Ronin. You tell who can get in, and who cannot. You tell where the car goes, and where it doesn't. Where your car goes is your responsibility, no?

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
Furthermore It DOES matter that it was 2 people because to ignore that is to ignore one of the most fundamental things regarding about sex.
Yes, it takes two to tango (unless one is raping the other). When we say it takes two to tango that means both people are responsible for the results. Are you disagreeing with this?

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
Your analogies are very inaccurate because they ignore the essence of the dilemma.

Finally I'm not ready to be a father. My current girlfriend is not ready to be a mother. I feel you've missed the crux of the dilemma by a longshot.
Then please explain it to me.

If you are saying my analogies are inaccurate, please explain how.

Fundamentally, are you not responsible for your actions.

Just to be clear, I am not saying people shouldn't have sex. People should have all the sex they want and all the sex they can get. All I am saying is take responsibility for your actions. I am hearing "I didn't MEAN to have a baby," and "I wore a condom so..." So what? If you make a baby, and your girl wants to keep it, you are going to be a father. That's reality. It's not a judgement call or a moral finger-point. It's reality. You can either be a man and be your child's father, or be a dead-beat dad and hit the road.
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