Originally Posted by RealJames
As logical as it may be, the concept of refraining from vaginal sex to prevent pregnancy is something that no significant portion of the world will ever adopt.
I am not talking to the whole world, I am just talking to the JF members.
I am not telling people to have sex or not have sex. All I am saying is take responsibility for your actions.
Originally Posted by RealJames
Sex is mainstream, packaged, sold, distributed etc.
Sex is an intimate act between two individuals. I think what you are describing is pornography. I cannot buy a thing at a store, open it up, use it, and make a baby by accident.
Originally Posted by RealJames
In the case accidental pregnancy, I don't think either of the parents have more of a right than the other to decide if the child is kept or not (after birth).
Then you should sign a pre-coitus agreement with your sex partner to ensure you will not be held responsible in case she gets pregnant. The law is not on your side unless you do this.
Originally Posted by RealJames
But I think if either of the parents doesn't want to be involved in that child's life then that's fine.
If a woman doesn't want the child after birth, the father can keep it or it can go up for adoption.
If a man doesn't want the child after birth, the mother can keep it or it can go up for adoption.
The father doesn't have to be a part of his child's upbringing legally, but the law makes him at least financially responsible.
But it is interesting to hear how disposable this generation sees babies. This has come up on other threads and people talk about how many dead-beat dads there are in the UK and how big a problem that is.
I am reminded of a line from a Chris Rock stand-up act which is only a few years old, but it sounds outdated with some of the JF users here.
I will paraphrase as he describes different kinds of brothers and says:
"You get these brothers that say 'I take care of my kids.' Well, you are SUPPOSED to take care of your kids. It's like these guys that brag saying 'I ain't never been to jail.' Well you ain't SUPPOSED to been to jail."
It sounds like "taking care of my kids" is an old fashioned concept to be proud of.