Originally Posted by GoNative
Anyone else find it more than just a little bit weird that you would be planning to visit prostitutes in another country? Just seems so damned creepy to me...
But then I have never sought out the services of a prostitute in any country and don't quite understand the allure 
Don't be surpirse, but I know people who would visit another country just for that reason
I took a few friends with me to Japan in 2007, including me, there were only 2 orientals in that group. My Italian friend really want to visit a strip joint so I took them. I had a hard enough time taking them to a strip joint in Osaka (Juso OS or something), it cost me a bit of broken conversation with the old man sitting at the front to let us in, even after entering, the bouncer (i will call them that, but I am sure they are associated with a family) keep walking by us. Its not a form of discrimination, they are just extra careful with a foreigner.
That was with a strip join. And as far as I know, any establishment that provide any kind of sexual services will most likely NOT let a foreigner in.... there are exceptions I am sure, but very very rare
Hostess bar is completely different story, the aim was no to sell sex, but to sell expensive overpriced drinks...
If your interest is just in prostitution (Oriental to be specific), you should go to Thailand or Philippine, or China.... Japan is just not the place for it. Unfortunately, contradict to popular believes, Non-Orientals attract attention in Japan because they stood out as minority and nothing else....