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Suki (Offline)
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01-13-2011, 01:25 PM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
Anyone else find it more than just a little bit weird that you would be planning to visit prostitutes in another country? Just seems so damned creepy to me...
Having sex with someone from a different country is a turn on. To me, anyway. I dunno if it's just me or there're people out there who feel that way. As a woman, I don't find appealing the idea of having sex with a person who does so for a living, and I doubt I'd feel any differently about it if I were a male. However, I do understand the thrill that comes with sleeping with a stranger who doesn't speak the same language as you, for some weird reason. But before paying a hooker I'd try to get someone do it for free, someone who'd be willing to try the same experience.

Going to a strip club doesn't mean you're getting laid. On the contrary, most strip clubs forbid the girls to have any kind of contact with the customers.

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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