01-13-2011, 02:39 PM
somewhere on this thread somebody posted a link to a catholic site-- or a comparison site-- discussing when a child becomes ALIVe or has a soul.
This makes me consider SOULS.
I was brought up to believe I had a soul and that when I died my SOUL would go to heaven Or the other place.
Now I no longer know what is true or not true.
I believe we all have a spiritual part of ourselves-- SPIRIT>
Why do so many of us want there to be a GOD?
rather like wanting someone to look after us and someone we can blame or turn to in times of trouble. Spiritualists believe that even aborted babies go on to have a life in the spirit world.
The words of Omar Khayam re:
Strange is it not
that of all those who have passed the door of darkness through
Not one returns to tell us of the road
which to discover
We must travel too.
Jesus said "suffer the little children to come unto me"
would Jesus have been happy with us aborting a perfectly healthy foetus or baby?