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(#81 (permalink))
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FeyOberon (Offline)
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01-13-2011, 08:40 PM

Originally Posted by Salvanas View Post
I desperately need some advice and support.
Well, I don't have much in the way of advice I can offer, but I do want to give you support. From what I know of you, you are a very level-headed, intelligent guy who will be a great father. Just the fact that you have made the difficult dicision to be there for your son or daughter shows that you have the maturity necessary to be a good parent.

Also, having a first child is always daunting and scary, even when it is completely planned and both parents think they are ready -- so fear and trepidation is normal. Your life won't be the same as you may have envisioned it, but it is definietly not over.

I'm sure your child will love and respect you for your devotion.

I sincerelly wish you well.
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