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princessmarisa (Offline)
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Location: Leeds, UK
01-13-2011, 10:19 PM

Originally Posted by Suki View Post

Blabber on, I'll read and comment.

Blabbers away!

When I was a teenager I was running in the rain, so as not to miss a film. Boyfriend and I tried to jump over the cinema carpark knee height wall.
He made it.
I didn't.

Ended up a crumpled mess on the concrete with my arm bent double behind me with bone sticking out.

Useless boyfriend started freaking out and wouldn't call me an ambulance because it was "wasting police time to call 999" so I somehow in shock managed to ignore the pain and grab the phone from him and call myself an ambulance.

When it arrived the ambulance driver said he was going to try and "snap it back in place" I was pretty dazed and confused, he grabbed my arm, I heard a snap noize was suddenly in screaming agony and he said "ah that didn't really work, lets get you some pain relief and to the hospital"

He was very nice but to this day I can't help but wonder if he made it worse...

They dosed me up on a cocktail of pills and gas and air until we got to Hospital then my aunti who was a nurse was there and knew somehow, I think I had called my Mum at some point to tell her, it is all a bit of a blurr, and she told them to give me morphine and that was kinda nice

Spent about a week in hospital as I had complex multiple fractures.

I had to sign a disclaimer that I swear said sometihng like if I die under anaesthetic my family won't sue.. but how can I sign for my family? It can't be that I won't sue because I would be dead. Strange.
After signing that (kinda hard with one messed up arm and the other arm hooked up to a drip) they were meant to give me pre anesthesia and they "forgot" so just before the major operation I was freaking out as they injected me to make me pass out, she kept saying I have to calm down or my heart rate will be way too high to operate.

I took like a 6-10hour operation there was some kinda complication I forget what, as they told me whilst I was just coming around, and my Dad doesn't remember what they said either!
They attached metal (probably titanium I guess, not really sure, I like to pretend it is Gundanium/Adamantium alloy) to both bones in my arm and pins to hold it together and pushed it all back in place and stitched it up.

For about 6 months I lost full use and feeling in my right hand, it came back slowly though.

Metal still hurts when it is cold, my arm swells up a bit sometimes and feels like something is trapped in there(pinched nerves maybe?) so itch like mad when this happens, and I can feel the metal pins in it when i run my hand along the two massive scars I have for life.

So kiddies, don't run in the rain!

I have the xray here somewhere, I think it makes me look like wolverine..
if I find it I'll post it if anyone is interested.

forgot to say when coming out of the aneathetic useless bf tried to feed me some pizza he had robbed from the kids ward and there was a big "nil by mouth" sign above my head he neglected to read so one minute after eating delicious pizza I threw it back up all over him. Then pretended to faint back to sleep to avoid the embarrassment

Fighting ignorance and slaying a few narutards whilst I am at it.

Last edited by princessmarisa : 01-13-2011 at 10:25 PM.
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