Thread: Re Abortions
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01-14-2011, 08:27 PM

Originally Posted by SCIFFIX View Post
So for you is wrong a woman go to a clinic and commit an abortion in the last stages of pregnancy, something like 7 months or more.
At least here in Denmark it's HIGHLY illegal to get an abortion that late.. There are limitations to when it's "possible" to get an abortion at a clinic.
Carrying a child for 7 months (where it's grown to a pretty full size) and THEN realizing that you don't want it... oh please..

Originally Posted by SCIFFIX View Post
could someone give your opnion about this point:

what is the difference between kill a person and commit an abortion?
If you kill a person, you kill a living creature that probably already walked this earth for a while. An 'actual' person (don't get me wrong, babies aren't just pieces of meat) has developed a spine, organs, nervous system, personality, etc. - a baby inside a belly, who hasn't even taken its first breath has none of these things yet. Getting an abortion is pretty normal.. Nature ''commits'' abortions all the time, but you don't go knock over a hundred trees and call Mother Nature a murderer because of it.

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
While I don`t want to get involved in any debate about abortion itself... I think there are some flaws in the arguments you present.
There are just as many children who were "wanted" that end up abused as those who weren`t wanted. A person who makes a selfish decision to have a baby because they want a cute little pet person is a lot more likely to end up neglecting or abusing the child once they realize that it`s not just an accessory.

This is a very bad example. Postpartum depression is said to be far more common in mothers who DO want their children.

I do have an issue with "selfish" abortions - the kind where the mother didn`t really bother with birth control because she can always get an abortion.
If you don`t want / cannot care for a baby, do your very best not to get pregnant... And if you do, abortion should be the last resort and should be done ASAP.
I guess I didn't put it right. I was referring to mothers who DID NOT want their babies - I'm aware that many women do.. and that many women who DO want them, also may end up neglecting them at some point.

I got my information wrong then. I took psychology in high school (NOT an American high school, though!), and we discussed some of these topics along with Freud's theories and Bern's. A lot of birth depressions come down to the mother not feeling ''good enough'' already from the beginning, she begins to hear voices that tell her to do things to the child, because the baby would be much better off without her. Usually hormonal changes occur at early stages and it builds up a maturity level that'll prep the mother for giving birth and not ''fearing'' it the same way as I personally would.. Anyway, to me a birth depression is a lot like schizophrenia - it's just triggered by the whole ''expecting a baby'' drama.

Agreed! Though, I have yet to see a woman/girl use abortions as ''birth control''. Here it's considered a safety net. No one dares to use it 'regularly', because it carries high risks for the uterus and internal parts in general. Again, there are usually ''regulations'' for when you can get the abortion. The procedure is preferably done ASAP and I'm pretty sure (as mentioned) that there are strict rules for how long the baby is allowed to have been 'in there'.

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