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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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01-14-2011, 10:18 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
When a parent abandons their child, it's called being a deadbeat. It's a socially agreed upon term.

Deadbeat parent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sure.. it was the juxtaposition with "being a man" that I was referring to more than anything.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
But this is where the fundamental disagreement lies, and where the debate takes place all over the world.

You say it's OK for a man to walk away from a child he doesn't want. The problem is, a child is not a bicycle or an anthill, that won't be affected by the loss of the man. A baby will be. Whether or not it is still in the mother or not doesn't matter.
It will be affected sure. But that can be compensated for. Single parents don't necessarily raise bad kids.

But this just brings me back to my point. Whether she can take care of it on her own is what the mother will have to assess for herself if she is willing to decide for herself and keep the baby without the consent from the man.
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