Thread: Re Abortions
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(#56 (permalink))
GoNative (Offline)
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01-14-2011, 11:53 PM

All this talk about all life being sacred and such just really gets up my nose and generally reeks of hypocrasy. People get all worked up over abortion, how it's destroying life or potential life but then quite happily go about their nice 1st world lifestyles whilst near 10,000 children die each and every day around the world from completely preventable hunger related illnesses. If life is so incredibly precious are you willing to give up your 1st world privaledged lifestyle to save those in less fortunate countries?
These same people who claim life is so precious are also some of the same people who aren't too keen on allowing desperate refugees into their countries. You see this is where the hypocrasy comes into it. Life is all sooo precious to these people but only really in certain circumstances and only really as long as it doesn't affect their own lifestyles. It's all crap. One thing we should all know by now is that around the world life is not precious at all. In fact life is incredibly cheap. And we also know that life is much more precious if you're white rather than black, brown or some other shade. And we all allow by our inactions completely unnecessary deaths to occur all the time. To then get on your high horses and claim abortions are a waste of life is just so hypocritical it's ridiculous.
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