Hi, I have a 2002 Subaru WRX that I recently purchased Japanese Domestic Market headlights for. The lights come stock on the JDM Subaru Impreza WRX Sti. I am running into a problem getting these lights wired up correctly to my USDM WRX. Here is a pic of the lights I am refering to.

I know this isn't an automotive forum but I have searched the web for weeks now, on various sites and forums as well as posted in Subaru specific forums such as NASIOC.com and lighting specific forums such as hidplanet.com with no luck.
It may be a long shot but I am hoping someone here may have knowledge of cars and be able to provide me information or may know someone who has knowledge of Japanse vehicles that might be able to help.
The question I have is, the plug coming out of the light, that goes to the internal ignitor in the light, has 3 wires on it. They are colored Brown, Orange, and Black shown in the pic below.
I need to know what each colored wire represents, ie. Orange = ________,
Brown = _______, I know the Black is the ground. One of the wires will be a positive and one will be a negative just not sure which is which.
Any information anyone can provide is greatly appreciated.