Most people here of course have a love for Japan.
But what other Asian countries do you like? Are there any you have visited that you also love?
Maybe there's one(s) that you wish to visit or live/work in for a little while, whether you've been to them or not?
For me, the only Asian countries I've been to and had experience with are Japan and Malaysia.
I like Malaysia. I wouldn't go as far as to say I love it to pieces there, but I have a friend who lives there, and so I have a big advantage of having locals showing me round all the hot and hidden spots, so I had a very intimate experience with the country. For that reason I'm booked back to go to Malaysia in July. I don't put it extremely high in my top countries list though because there are places I simply like a little better. But of course I liked Malaysia or I wouldn't have booked to go back
I want to visit China and
both Korea's. All three of those countries have a lure to me in their own ways.
Looking a little more to the West of Asia. I'd like to go to places like India and Pakistan. Maybe the Maldives before they sink.
2 random ones at the West of Asia that I'd like to see are Israel and Saudi Arabia.
I checked, and the Middle East counts as Asia, so it's all good.