Thread: Re Abortions
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(#57 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
Posts: 1,126
Join Date: Jun 2009
01-15-2011, 06:26 AM

Hello? those country's are starveing because they are over run with warlords, slave traders ( who happen to be arbian or black, not white) pirates, gangs and tyranical dictators. There isn't Jack we can do about that, last time we tried, we got world condemnation and two blackhawks shot down. . Those nations are thier own worst enemies and have caused the majority of thier problems. So no, that isn't the US's fault.

I would also point out that US spends more on charity and food than the rest of the world combined. So no, our horse isn't that high.

Plus, that has nothing to do with the issue of wether I think human life begins at conception or not. Those are all unfortuanate situations and it's a horrible thing, but I can't do anything about that. Nor am I going to be lead on some guilt trip because I happen to live a decent lifestyle, the US earned what it has through hard work, blood, sweat and tears.
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