If you want to get a fair idea of what is available in Japanese -
Go to this page, copy+paste 八王子 into the text box near the top, then press the search (検索) button to the right of the box. It will bring up a list of places for rent in the vicinity of the station. For me it brings up 7,333 places for rent. There is a next button to the right of the number (次へ) to go through the pages.
The information for each place is from the left ;
1. Closest station, with address listed below
2. When only one number - the time it takes to walk to the station. Two numbers - top is the time it takes to walk to a bus stop, the bottom number is the time it takes to get to the station by bus.
3. The size, type/number of rooms, what floor it`s on.
4. How old the building is, which way it`s facing.
5. Rental cost/costs
6. How many months worth of deposit, fee will be required. (red 無料 is none)
7. Type of building, what it`s made out of
8. Picture of the building
If you click the text under the picture, you can see more pictures of the place usually including a plan of the room.
There is a good chance you can find a room that is far from the station but close to the school.