Originally Posted by pixisticks
Hi! Okay, um, this might be kind of dumb and I'm not sure if anyone will be able to help me, but I thought I'd ask here anyway. Can't hurt to try, right?
Basically, I'm a new student at Temple University, Japan Campus (if you don't know, it's an American university--based in Philadelphia I believe--with a campus in Japan). I got accepted for Spring 2011, however, I didn't get offered as much money in government loans as I thought I would, and it left me $10,000 short. tl;dr version, I don't have $10,000 or any real way of getting it anytime soon, so I had my acceptance pushed back until I figure out what to do.
Now, at the moment I'm looking into getting a job, even though I have my doubts that I'll be able to get a job that will get me $10,000 over a couple of months. So I'm trying to look for other options as well. And one occurred to me that I want to ask about here. I model, and mostly because of my age and where I live, I haven't been able to get many paid jobs. But I know I saw a thread here a long time ago about modeling in Japan, and that there's a high demand for foreign models over there.
Now, my question is... do you think it would be possible for me to contact a modeling agency in Japan and get sponsored by them, and get flown over there? I don't have a TON of experience (I've been doing it for about six, seven months) but do you think it's even a possibility? Or would I have to get the money, go over there as a student, and then go to the agencies when I'm already there and see if they sign me?
It probably sounds like a dumb idea, but I just love Japan so much, I would do anything to get back over there as soon as possible. I do want to continue my education as a student and that campus is perfect for me, but if I can't get the money for it... at this point, I'm just looking for any and all possible ways to get back there.
I sincerely appreciate any help, advice, anything you can offer me. Thank you!
I'd take a look at some of the links and advice posted
If you make the cut, it seems that modeling agencies do sponsor models over here on 3 month 'entertainer visas'. No idea if you'll 1) make that cut 2) make enough in savings for college.
Maybe you need to look harder for additional student loans. Then I would work part-time gigs while attending school...