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JF Ossan
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01-16-2011, 06:32 AM

Originally Posted by steel View Post
Thanks. I've heard of Takeo Kikuchi but assumed that he was just another Japanese designer. So, wouldn't the suits in his shops also be 'OTR' (off the rack)? I even found one being pitched online for an entirely reasonable Y33,000 here.
It is off the rack, in that it wasn't designed for me, but I found a style I liked, got completely measured, and then they spent a week or so cutting a suit to fit me. What it means is, it fits ME, (as long as I don't gain or lose a lot of weight). The difference between really OTR is that you don't get the too wide shoulders or big gap between shirt collar and suit collar.

I am not saying Takeo Kikuchi is a genius, but the style, service and cut I got at a very reasonable price means I would go back again when I need to.
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