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Sangetsu (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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01-17-2011, 11:06 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Just to be clear, stores in America (and Japan) do not prefer credit cards. They prefer cash. All credit card purchases cost the store a small fee. This is why in the US you will see signs that say "No credit card purchases under $10" or "No credit card purchases under $5". You wouldn't see that in Japan because no one would use a credit card to purchase anything under probably 3000 yen. It is silly (in Japan) to think you would have less than that in your wallet.

If you see one of those signs in America saying "No credit cards for purchases under....", you should know that that store is in violation of it's agreement with the credit card company. Merchants who accept credit cards may not refuse a credit card purchase for any amount. If you find a store who performs such a practice, call your credit card issuer and complain, it's possible that the store will be fined, and your credit card company will refund you for your cash purchase from the proceeds of that fine (while living in America I used to be a credit consultant).

Many more places in Japan now accept credit cards. Cash is still king, but most shops in the areas where tourists frequent will take most cards, even China's Union Pay cards.

Capsule hotels suck, and they are slowly disappearing from the city. They have been replaced by 24 hour internet or comic cafes with private rooms. These cost roughly the same per day as a capsule hotel, but are actually more roomy.

I have flown on JAL, KAL, AA, Delta, and so on when coming to Japan. The best airline for the price so far is United/Continental. I just returned from my winter holiday in America, and I flew United Airlines first class. It's the only America-based airline I have used that seems to always be on time. Time your arrival/departure for the middle of the week, this will be less expensive, and the lines at immigration and customs will be shorter as well.

NYC is the cheapest place on the east coast to fly from, as it is the second most common mainland destination for flights to and from Japan. Flights from Dallas, Detroit, Chicago, or Atlanta will usually cost more. You can fly direct from New York on Continental, American, or JAL. Flight time from NYC should be around 13-14 hours, depending on the jet stream, the return flight should take an hour or two less time.

I think the Thunder Dolphin (roller coaster) at Tokyo Dome City is still closed, a piece of the roller coaster broke off and fell to the ground while the ride was in use. No one was hurt, but it isn't to be reopened until each and every piece has been inspected.
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