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(#84 (permalink))
Brass (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 83
Join Date: Feb 2010
01-18-2011, 12:39 AM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
Women usually follow this path because they are desperate. They may be on drugs, have had a bad life, have had some hardship in their life and can see no other way out.

Women RARELY ever sell their bodies because like it, or because it's fun. They do it because they have to. They are victim of the system that failed to offer them the help they needed to get out of it.

If you think prostitution is all fun and games, the women are so happy to offer themselves up to strangers and their lives are good because of it then your views are seriously screwed.

Of course it's not as bad as being dead (though for some reason it really might be) but this is not victimless.
You are basically saying prostitution is bad because women don't like to do but, but do it out of desperation/necessity.

And since (unless you are born rich) everybody needs a job, and I would guess most unskilled people (prostitution is unskilled labor) don't like their jobs, how is prostitution any different? Do you think fast food employees like their job? What about the wal-mart greeters? Guess what, if you don't have any job skills, you're probably going to end up in some job you don't like.

This is not a moral issue, unless you think it's immoral for people to work any job you don't like.
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