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(#85 (permalink))
Brass (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 83
Join Date: Feb 2010
01-18-2011, 01:00 AM

I'll take these points one at a time.

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
Yeah but in when I worked part time, I wasn't treated like an object
If your boss forces you do make hamburgers all day, or you'll be fired. How is your body not being used as a tool (object) in exchanged for compensation?

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
I had rights, I was safe in my employment, I wasn't exploited
How is this any different from working in a brothel? What rights of the prostitutes are being violated? How are they being exploited if they agreed to work at the brothel?

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
I had laws to protect me from discrimination, I wasn't forced to do things that were unlawful or may potentially damage my health, I wasn't putting myself or others in danger, I wasn't doing anything illegal
In what way are the laws not protecting prostitutes, given it's legal in said country (Japan in this case). Why do you think all employees have the right not to work in a dangerous environment? What about the ironworkers who build skyscrapers? What about miners? People who work on oil rigs? It's not illegal or immoral to choose a profession where your life is in danger.

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
I got a good reference for future employment, I gained experience relevent to the real world, and I wasn't used and abused by people with a bad moral compass.
The good reference for future employment is only relevant is you intent to leave the sex industry soon. If you plan to keep your entire career in the sex industry than working at a brothel is a good reference. If you plan on getting an office job one day, then the prostitutes should never get into the sex industry. Assuming they chose it, they have to live with their decisions.

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
If you think prostitution is the same as working at Wal-Mart then I really don't need to say anymore to you.
Where did I say that? All I claimed is both probably don't like their job. You are not entitled to like your job, and most people don't.
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